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KSP Banbury

KSP moves into the casemaking super league

Banbury-based KSP is the archetypal modern flexible printing company – and then some! It boasts in-house capabilities in litho, large format digital and screen printing, as well as most aspects of finishing, and a specialism in the production of ring binders, with a huge choice of options and finishes to guarantee a unique presentation item, personalised to customer requirements.

Following a steady, and ongoing, increase in demand across its range of products, a bottleneck had begun to emerge in the finishing section and, with a commitment to reducing lead times and costs, the decision was taken to upgrade its casemaking by investing in one of the UK’s first Horauf BDM20 high speed casemaking machines with in-line rotary board cutting from Perfect Bindery Solutions.

KSP director Jason Cleary explains: ‘The investment in the Horauf is one of the best things we have ever done. It has given us a whole new dimension in casemaking, which benefits workflows across a range of products, including book covers, folders and ring binders, as well as casemaking. Our productivity has gone through the roof – we can now produce more in one minute than we could initially do in an hour!’

Having invested previously with PBS, KSP had no hesitation in returning to the company for advice when it was looking for a new solution. PBS provided a wealth of advice and introduced KSP to the Horauf, which, whilst a secondhand option, had been refurbished to run like new. Proven German engineering ensures this highly efficient machine will help the company to continue to excel in its promise to provide the fastest turnarounds with assured quality and consistency.

‘The machine is really well built, reliable and productive,’ explains Jason Cleary. ‘We have a very good relationship with the team at PBS and the support and training we get has been great.’

With the ability to run hot or cold glue systems to tackle most book cloths, as well as coated and uncoated cover materials, KSP’s Horauf BDM20 incorporates an integrated rotary board cutter to enable it to make a diverse range of products, including a three-piece case from a single piece of board.

Other features include an integral viscosity control system that continually monitors the glue to ensure consistent high speed running, and counter stacker with return conveyor. Incredibly, all features are designed to deliver consistent, high volume production with just one skilled operator, meaning that the company can manufacture and deliver products at the very best prices, within the most demanding timescales.

The Horauf can run cover materials ranging between 100 to 300 microns, with a minimum open case size of 105 x 170 mm and maximum of 380 x 680 mm. The machine can also handle any board thickness between 1 mm and 3.5 mm. Additionally, it can produce a two-piece book cover with a soft flexible spine.

That thee company continued to work well throughout the pandemic is testament to a real ‘can do’ attitude. Jason Cleary says: ‘We never fail to respond to customers and work in a really proactive way. We have a wealth of expertise and an appetite to deliver beyond our clients’ expectations. That, and our commitment to investing in the best systems and staff, has kept us ahead of the field.’


Horauf BDM 20 case maker

  • Speed: Up to 60 cases per minute.
  • Minimum case size open: 105 x 170 mm.
  • Maximum case size: 380 x 680 mm.
  • Board thickness: Minimum 1 mm to maximum 3.5 mm.
  • Board gutter (space between boards): Minimum 5 mm to maximum 15 mm.
  • Spine width: Minimum 6 mm to maximum 80 mm.
  • Hinge width: Minimum 5 mm to maximum 15 mm.
  • Distance between front and back cover: Minimum 16 mm to maximum 120 mm.
  • Thickness of rigid spine: Minimum 1 mm to maximum 3 mm.
  • Thickness of flexible spine: Minimum 0.30 mm to maximum 0.6 mm.
  • Thickness of cover material: Minimum: 0.1 mm to maximum 0.3 mm.
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